
I Believe in True Love

"Guna hati, akal dan fikiranmu
Kau dan juga aku
Dua hati yang tak mungkin bersatu
Kau dan juga aku…" Meet uncle Hussein -Lagu Untukmu-

What do I really want from you? Was it really Love? But you’d made it clear, you’re not into love. You’ve just got out from a real bad end of a long relationship. Is that true? Or is it another excuse for you or its easier to say. If you’re not interested, why bother to call or message. You should let it ride and disappear. Is it because you’re lonely, as I am?

It’s true. I am lonely. I believe in true love because it helps to make life less cold. It gives me hope, knowing that there is someone out there loved me or can’t wait to love me. I’d tried to make use every opportunity to be out and about. Maybe, while I wasn’t looking someone will took notice of me and would appreciate my existence and maybe if he has a bit of guts to actually talk to me.

I don't know, how I know. There is such thing as true love. True love. Call me lame even stupid but I will hold on to that for the rest of my life. Come what may, but I won't budge or change because I know.. Love will conquer all! True Love does exist, it does!

Hey you. I’m tired of playing this nameless game. It’s enough for me to know that you’re not interested of love or commitment. I got it, it's not what you desire. I need stability, both physical and emotion. If you can’t provide me both, then I have to bail and let this one ride. I’m sorry if I had caused any form of confusion or heartache. At least you’re not a bit affected by it.

I'm not that daft, I know love can't cure famine or hunger and its always there. Where there is love, there will be war. Yes, I accept that! Therefore...I’m saying goodbye and thank you for the lesson. I really appreciate it.

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