
I'm VAIN... its a disease

1) Vin Diesel: I like him, I do. I see his type as a best friend material! Fun to hang out with, to flirt with and be comfortable enough but not enough to be a boyfriend material. He is a person with features you want to fool around but not to get serious!

2) James McAvoy: He is CUTE! He is definitely a boyfriend material! He is the one you parade around among your friends. The one you like to get cozy at night with, have trashy fight and make up in the next few minutes. However, doesn't seem to be the type you want to build a family with.

3) Giovanni Ribisi: I♥ definitely the type of guy you want to have a long term relationship with! Look at his face, its almost angelic and I won't get tired by waking up and seeing him next to me on the other side of the bed! Never! He has that best friend, boyfriend and daddy features.(LOL)Yeah enough said!

Disclaimer: Everything is fiction and base on my own personal idea of my own ideal kind of guy (based on their features). Personality wise, hey I wish I know them better to pass good judgments! Thus, to love is his own and this is mere ramblings and make believe. If I hurt any feelings, well get over it! As if its going to become a headline or someting! :P

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