

"So..we left Anastasia devastated and feeling all forlorn in the last chapter...intriguing indeed..."

Title: Fifty Shades Darker (2nd Instalment of the fifty shades trilogy)
Author: E L James (A woman still!?)
Genre: Adult Romance, Sensual, Smut and Mature (too many excessive bagage to handle...)

*Spoiler alert... If I was Anastasia and I believe any women in majority would like to be spank, hit or treat roughly only to succumb into submission. Its just wrong!

In this spin off we were exposed to the root of all evil to Christian mysterious misdeamenor and the transformation is almost surreal. Logically it could happen but reality I don't think its possible but we can dream can't we. The issues were beyond redeeming if you asked me, the fall out with the ex-sub, the revelation of his past childhood and his mother. The later was quite overwhelming but love can overcome anything, if I were her..."retreat! retreat! to the hill, now!" I can't possibly handle HIM and the excessive bagages along!

However, it was not really that bad...as the main characters develop and evolves makes it a fun and heart wrming read. I like the turn over and of course you can't help feeling irritated...even disturbed.

Can't wait to read the third and final installment when there is some action and gorish moment! hehehe...(sorry for the made up verb) :D

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