
I'm not a writer

We have established the fact that I'm no poet and its time to come clear that I'm not a writer as well. I believe, my grammar teacher would flip in her grave *God have mercy on her dear soul if she ever read any of my entries. I'm not proud to call myself an English graduate cause I don't think I'd mastered the language at all. Friends and classmates are too nice to comment anything, you guys really are too nice. However, I shall plagued this earth with horrible grammar and kids shall write gibberish under my e-tutelage forever as it may be. Oh, fret not! I'm just kidding like anyone wanna read any of this. Har-har-har-d-har :P A happy villain I'd be and oh, what cleverest me would think next. Ah, I know we shall go back in time and put an end to ends. Imagine reading anything without punctuations! MUAHAHAHA

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